Cianchi, M., Leonardo da Vinci's Machines, with an introduction by Carlo Pedretti, Florence, 1988 Clark, K., Leonardo da Vinci, 1939, new edition with an introduction by M. Kemp, London, 1988 Costantino, M., Leonardo: Artist, Inventor and Scientist, New York/Avenel, New Jersey, 1993 Freud, S., Leonardo da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality, New York, 1947 Il Museo Leonardiano di Vinci, Cossiga, F., editor, Milan, 1986 Kemp, M., Leonardo da Vinci: The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man, London and Cambridge, 1981 Lansing, E.C., Leonardo, Master of the Renaissance, New York, 1942 MacCurdy, E.,The Mind of Leonardo da Vinci, London, 1928 Mathé, J., Leonardo's Inventions, translated by David Mac Rae, Fribourg--Genéve, 1980/6 Rosci, M., The Hidden Leonardo, Milano, 1978 The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, a New Selection, Taylor, P., editor, New York, 1960 The Unknown Leonardo, Reti, L., editor, New York, 1974 Turner, A. Richard, Inventing Leonardo, New York, 1993 Various Authors, Leonardo da Vinci, memorial edition, Novara, 1956 Vasari, G., Lives of the Artists, selected and translated by G. Bull, London, 1971 Wallace, R., The World of Leonardo, New York, 1971 ©1996 SoftKey Multimedia Inc., a subsidiary of SoftKey International Inc.